What is a sequence?
A sequence is a series of photographs, continuously joined together or combined as one to show an action or series of events.
How to create a sequence?
For the best result using a tripod is essential to ensure that your frame has not moved during the sequence.
You set the tripod up with the camera facing the area that you would like your sequence to take place.
You then take your photo once you have decided what your first frame will be.
You continue to take your photographs of the changing scene until you have taken your desired amount for your sequence. ( you do not move the tripod)
On a blank canvas in photoshop you resize all of your photos and bring them onto the canvas to be placed into the sequence.
You choose where each photo will go and if their are gaps in between each photo, and a border surrounding.
You will need to update this area for example high key, slow sync, motion blur here you can discuss the technique in terms of the camera controls and lighting set up…